Ru  En

Quarterly scientific journal
Published since 2006
ISSN 2072-8255 (print), 2782-3628 (online)
RSCI core
Impact factor
Included in the
RSCI on the Web of Science platform

Current issue: Volume 19, №2, 2024


Shevchenko Yu.L., Ermakov D.Y., Vakhrameeva A.Yu., Baranov A.V.


Khubulava G.G., Naumov A.B., Marchenko S.P., Chupaeva О.Yu., Kulemin E.S., Sazonov A.B.


Borshchev G.G., Miminoshvili L.G., Zainiddinov F.A., Katkov A.A., Ulbashev D.S.


Mamilov M-B.T., Mironenko V.A., Garmanov S.V.


Glushkov N.I., Zvyagintseva A.N., Horeva Yu.A., Atayeva A., Ivanov M.A.

Published in Russian, Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center — is the official peer-reviewed edition of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov. The journal shows the results of research in the field of clinical and theoretical medicine, the usage of new technologies, problems of medical education, cases from clinical practice and the history of medicine. The journal comprises press releases, literature reviews, reference materials, reviews, chronicles.
The Journal was found in 2006 by Shevchenko Yuri Leonidovich — the founder and president of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov, Academician of the Russian Academy, the all-time chief editor.