DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.82.77.001


Shevchenko Yu.L., Ablicov A.Yu., Vetshev P.S., Ablicov Yu.A., Vasilashko V.I., Orlov S.S., Lukyanov P.A., Kryachko V.S.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


Video-thoracoscopic, robot-assisted and standard (thoracotomy, sternotomy) operations for mediastinal neoplasms were compared on a large clinical material. Minimally invasive operations are practically safe and the most reasonable methods of surgical treatment. Performing a minimally invasive operation allows you to avoid a large incision of the chest wall, and thus reduce the stressful impact of surgery on the body. The results of minimally invasive operations differ favorably from the results of operations performed from sternotomy and thoracotomy.

Aim: Improvement of treatment results in patients with mediastinal neoplasms.

Materials and methods: the basis for the study was 875 patients operated in the departments of thoracic surgery NIIGH MMA. I. M. Sechenov and FGBU “NMHC im. N.I. Pirogova” from 2000 to 2018. Videotoracoscopic operations were performed in 641 patients, robot-assisted — 42, standard (sternotomy, thoracotomy) — 192 patients. 291 patients were hospitalized to clarify the diagnosis and its morphological verification: 187 of them underwent thoracoscopic biopsy of mediastinal lymph nodes in mediastinal lymphadenopathy, 104 — thoracoscopic biopsy for mediastinal lymphomas. 584 patients with mediastinal neoplasms were hospitalized for radical surgical treatment, which was performed in 97% of patients. 6 patients underwent cytoreductive surgery.

Keywords: videothoracoscopy, robot-assisted, mediastinum, myasthenia gravis, thymoma, cyst, nevrinoma.


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For citation

Shevchenko Yu.L., Ablicov A.Yu., Vetshev P.S., Ablicov Yu.A., Vasilashko V.I., Orlov S.S., Lukyanov P.A., Kryachko V.S. Modern technologies in surgery of the mediastinum. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(1):4-12. (In Russ.)