DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2022_17_2_4


SHevchenko YU.L.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


Despite the fact that the cause of heart failure is more often cardiomyocyte dysfunction caused by coronary heart disease, inflammatory processes of various etiologies, excessive physical overload, including congenital and acquired heart defects, etc., there is such a group of patients whose etiology remains unclear and there are no obvious signs of myocardial damage according to instrumental and laboratory studies. At the same time, the peculiarity of attempts to treat such patients is the ineffectiveness of heart failure therapy. Long-term clinical practice, numerous scientific and experimental studies have suggested that the cause of such myocardial dysfunction is the immobilizing interstitial fibrosis of the heart.

Conclusion. The immobilizing interstitial fibrosis of the heart can be considered an independent pathology and one of the main causes of the development of chronic heart failure. It is based on the process of changing the connective tissue framework of the myocardium, resulting in the suppression of its work.

Keywords: heart failure, immobilization, connective tissue, interstitial fibrosis.


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For citation

SHevchenko YU.L. The immobilizing interstitial fibrosis of the heart. Part 1. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2022;17(2):4-10. (In Russ.)