DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2021_16_2_72


Fedzianin S.D.1, Kosinets V.A.1, Khroustalev B.M.2, Minchenya V.T.2, Aliakseyeu Y.H.3, Niss V.S.4, Yatsko A.S.5

1 Vitebsk State Medical University, Vitebsk

2 Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk

3 Science and Technology Park of BNTU «Polytechnic», Minsk

4 Branch of the Belarusian National Technical University «Research and Development Polytechnic Institute», Minsk

5 Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Vitebsk


Backgraund. The problem of treating wounds in the patients with surgical skin and soft tissue infections continues to be relevant at the present time. One of the effective methods of complex treatment is VAС therapy. However, imported devices for VAС therapy are characterized by high cost, which limits the possibility of using the method in domestic health care. It is necessary to develop domestic devices for VAС therapy.

Aims. To develop a apparatus for VAС therapy and evaluate the possibility of its use in the complex treatment of surgical skin and soft tissue infections.

Materials and methods. The device for VAС therapy Impulse KM-1 has been developed. Copyright protected by 2 patents.

As part of a clinical trial, a randomized study was performed in 32 patients with surgical skin and soft tissue infections.

Study design: prospective, simple, controlled, randomized clinical trial in two parallel groups of patients.

The main group consisted of 17 patients (9 women and 8 men) with wound defects after surgical treatment of pyo-inflammatory processes. In the patients of this group VAС therapy was applied using the developed device Impulse KM-1 along with traditional complex treatment. The average age in the sample was 65 [60; 65] years, the area of the wounds is 95,59+36,5 cm2.

The control group consisted of 15 patients (9 men and 6 women) with wound defects after surgical treatment of pyo-inflammatory processes. Patients in this group received traditional complex treatment. The average age in the sample was 61 [58; 70] years, the area of the wounds is 98,8+28,84 cm2.

The area of the wounds was determined by the method of A.N. Lyzikov et al. (2008) and using Adobe Photoshop software (Adobe Systems, USA). Determination of the rate of wound healing was carried out according to the formula of L.N. Popova.

The cytological picture was studied by microscopy of smears-prints from wounds according to M.P. Pokrovskaya and M.S. Makarov (1942).

Results. The device Impulse KM-1 is intended for the treatment of wounds by the method of VAС therapy.

The device includes: an electronic unit with an internal power source, an external battery charge source, a reservoir for collecting of wound discharge, a disposable sterile dressing kit. The set consists of a sponge, a film covering, a tube with a locking head, a tube-connector.

The device is designed for multiple use, provides continuous, alternating and intermittent operation.

The device has established itself as a reliable, simple and easy to use device.

The cost of the Impulse KM-1 apparatus is approximately 2500 $, and the cost of a disposable dressing kit is 40 $.

When using the Impulse KM-1 apparatus in the complex treatment of surgical skin and soft tissue infections, wound cleaning was reduced by 5 days, an earlier appearance of granulations (by 2 days) was noted, the time of epithelial regeneration was reduced (by 2 days), preparation for plastic closure was achieved by 6 days earlier.

Conclusions. The device for VAС therapy Impulse KM-1 has been developed and clinically tested. The developed device is characterized by reliability, simplicity and ease of use. When using the Impulse KM-1 apparatus in the complex treatment of surgical skin and soft tissue infections, a significant reduction in the time of wound treatment is noted.

Keywords: apparatus, surgical infection, VAС therapy.


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For citation

Fedzianin S.D., Kosinets V.A., Khroustalev B.M., Minchenya V.T., Aliakseyeu Y.H., Niss V.S., Yatsko A.S. Impulse KM-1 vac therapy apparatus in the complex treatment of surgical infections of the skin and soft tissue. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2021;16(2):72-76. (In Russ.)