DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.62.96.024


Shlyapnikov S.A.1, 3, Naser N.R.1, 2, Batyrshin I.M.1, Borodina M.A.1, 2, Sklizkov D.S.1, Ostroumova Yu.S.1, Ryazanova E.P.1, 2

1 State Institution «Saint Petersburg Research Institute Of Emergency Medecine named after I.I. Djanelidze», Saint-Petersburg

2 North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg

3 S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia


The number of diseases and pathological conditions associated with medical care is steadily increasing. The development of complications of antibacterial therapy just belongs to this number. One of the most severe, life-threatening complications is the development of antibiotic-associated diarrhea associated with clostridial infection (Cl.difficile) — clostridial pseudomembranous colitis, in which the mortality rate is almost 100% in the case of not timely diagnosis and not adequate treatment. In the medical community, there is still a global underestimation of the prevalence of this pathology, the severity and consequences. There is a lack of knowledge in etiopathogenesis, in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of such a dangerous complication as clostridial colitis associated with antibiotic therapy. There is a lack of understanding of the surgical component of the problem of treating antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis associated with Cl.difficile.

Keywords: antibiotic-associated diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, Cl.difficile associated diarrhea, complications of antibacterial therapy, surgical treatment of Cl.difficile associated diarrhea.


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For citation

Shlyapnikov S.A., Naser N.R., Batyrshin I.M., Borodina M.A., Sklizkov D.S., Ostroumova Yu.S., Ryazanova E.P. The Antibiotic-associated Colitis is a new problem in surgery. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(2):138-143. (In Russ.)