DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.40.75.006


Kolyubaeva S.N., Kachnov V.A., Tyrenko V.V., Chirsky V.S., Protasov O.V., Onishchenko L.S., Buntovskaya A.S., Myakoshina L.A., Ermilova I.V., Eliseeva M.I.

FGBVOU VO «Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov» of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg


The work examined the material of the heart muscle, taken during autopsy in persons who died of sudden cardiac death. Molecular genetic studies identified gomozigots on the genes PAI serping -1 675 (5G/4G) and AGTR2 (1675 G’A), containing alleles of the risk of cardiovascular disease. The identified changes in the polymorphisms of the MTHFR, MTR and MTRR genes enhance the action of the PAI and AGTR2 genes. At the light level of the study myocardium of patients who died by the type of sudden cardiac death, characterized by changes on the part of cardiomyocytes (fragmentation, dissociation, twisting, thinning, discomplexization), and vessels and stroma. In 3 cases (10%) they were minimal and were represented by focal mild fragmentation and twisting of muscle fibers, in the remaining 27 (90%) — had a fairly pronounced character, represented by varying degrees of severity of changes in cardiomyocytes, blood vessels and stroma. In the electro-microscopic examination of the material from these patients, there were signs of changes in the tissue of the heart muscle, not contradicting the morphological data obtained at the light level of the study. Comparison of the results of molecular-genetic and morphological studies does not contradict the pathological-anatomical diagnosis of death from sudden cardiac death.

Keywords: gene polymorphisms, sudden cardiac death, heart muscle, cardiomyocytes, myolysis.


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For citation

Kolyubaeva S.N., Kachnov V.A., Tyrenko V.V., Chirsky V.S., Protasov O.V., Onishchenko L.S., Buntovskaya A.S., Myakoshina L.A., Ermilova I.V., Eliseeva M.I. A study of the morphological features of the heart muscle in sudden cardiac death. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(3-2):31-35. (In Russ.)