DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2018.54.74.012


Mitusov V.V., Krasulin V.V., Glukhov V.P., Il’yash A.V., Amirbekov B.G., Kriuchkova N.V., Tohtamishyan S.K.

Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don


The article presents the results of treatment of extensive infravesical obstructions which required the execution of vesicourethral anastomotic. Analyzed the reasons for the last 10 years, which lead to the appearance of this type of obstruction and their structural and etiological changes. Assessed a risk of occurrence of stress incontinence of urine after performance of such an operation and their connection with a prime cause of this obstruction. It was proved the efficiency of surgical technique with longitudinal stitching of the bladder neck, which makes it possible to create vesicourethral anastomotic with functional properties and to significantly reduce the risk of such complications as urinary incontinence.

Keywords: bladder neck, posterior urethral stricture, vesicourethral anastomotic, urinary incontinence.


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For citation

Mitusov V.V., Krasulin V.V., Glukhov V.P., Il’yash A.V., Amirbekov B.G., Kriuchkova N.V., Tohtamishyan S.K. Urethrocystoanastomosis with functional properties in long infravesical obliteration of rear ureters. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2018;13(3):55-60. (In Russ.)