DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.77.76.027


Nizovceva S.A.1, 2, Maslyakov V.V.1, Gorbelik V.R.1, 2, CHumanov A.Yu.1, 2

1 Branch of Medical University “Reaviz”, Saratov

Military Hospital No. 428, Saratov


Presented is clinical observation of rare complication of gangrenous appendicitis in the near postoperative period — acute ileophemoral venous thrombosis. The presented example shows that a disease such as acute appendicitis complicated by local peritonitis can lead to the development of ileophemoral venous thrombosis. This complication may be due to an infection in the small pelvis.

Keywords: acute ileophemoral venous thrombosis, complications of acute appendicitis, postoperative period.


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For citation

Nizovceva S.A., Maslyakov V.V., Gorbelik V.R., CHumanov A.Yu. Acute appendicitis complication by ilephemoral thrombosis in near postoperative period. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(1):145-146. (In Russ.)