DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_19_1_110


Sementsov K.V.1, 2, Boyarinov D.Yu.1, 2, Myanzelin M.N.1, 2, Koshelev T.E.2

1 Hospital for veterans of wars, Sankt-Peterburg

2 North-Western state medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, Sankt-Peterburg


The decision of the question about the terms of radical surgical treatment of patients with mechanical jaundice, the scope and methods of preparation for surgery, including the expediency of preliminary drainage of biliary tract, largely depends on the patient’s condition at the time of diagnosis. The present review is devoted to modern approaches of investigation and evaluation of liver functional state as one of the most important criteria for surgical tactics determination. Modern methods of investigation and evaluation of the liver functional state are considered.

Keywords: mechanical jaundice, liver functional status, liver failure, severity assessment.


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For citation

Sementsov K.V., Boyarinov D.Yu., Myanzelin M.N., Koshelev T.E. Modern approaches to the assessment of the impact of mechanical jaundice on the functional state of the liver. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(1):110-114. (In Russ.)