DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_19_1_64


Vakhaev D.S.1, Kokorin V.V.2, Kraynyukov P.E.2, 3

1 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow

2 P.V. Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital, Moscow

3 RUDN University, Moscow


Background. The need to evaluate the results of complex treatment with standard methods in patients with chronic surgical soft tissue infection in the hospital for further comparison with other treatment methods.

Objective. To analyze the results of complex treatment of patients with chronic surgical infection in a hospital setting.

Materials and methods. The case histories of 80 patients with trophic ulcers of the lower extremities in the hospital from 2018 to 2023 were retrospectively studied. The clinical and demographic indicators of patients, the results of duplex scanning of the vessels of the lower limbs, the duration of treatment in a hospital setting, the nature and area of the wound, as well as its contamination were analyzed.

Results. The average age of the patients was 67.65±12.49 years. Gender distribution: women — 52 (65%), men — 28 (35%). The duration of the disease, namely the appearance of TJ in patients before admission to the hospital, averaged 4-5 weeks. The maximum duration of the disease before admission was 8 weeks. The duration of hospitalization averaged 9.1±3.1 bed days. The minimum period of hospitalization was 6 bed days, the maximum was 13 bed days.

Conclusions. The traditional comprehensive treatment of patients with a venous etiology in the hospital is carried out in order to cleanse the affected foci, stop the inflammatory process and further continue the healing process already on an outpatient basis. It is obvious that further progress in the treatment of patients with this pathology will be associated with the widespread introduction of fundamentally new approaches.

Keywords: trophic ulcer, long-term non-healing wound, chronic venous insufficiency, complex treatment.


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For citation

Vakhaev D.S., Kokorin V.V., Kraynyukov P.E. The result of complex treatment of patients with chronic surgical infection of soft tissues in the hospital. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2024;19(1):64-67. (In Russ.)