DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_4_4


Shevchenko Yu.L.1, Melkumyants A.M.2, Stoyko Yu.M.1, Yashkin M.N.1, Chernyago T.Yu.1, Gudymovich V.G.1

1 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow

2 National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after academician E.I.Chazov, Moscow


Currently the study of endothelial function significantly expands our understanding of physiological and pathological processes occurring in the human body. Their range is very wide and covers not only such areas as angiology, cardiovascular pathology, phlebology, but also related areas — sepsisology, oncology, nephrology and others. The structural component of the cell, the glycocalyx, is still poorly understood. Primarily the main reason for it due to fragility glycocalyx. Attempts to study it microscopically are mainly indirect. Direct visualization of the glycocalyx using electron microscopy is extremely difficult. The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of studying the microscopic structure of the glycocalyx and its function. The first results of an electron microscopic viev of the glycocalyx of the endothelium of the venous wall in patients with varicose veins are presented, as well as a description of the methodology and features of this study for its visualization.

Keywords: endothelium, glycocalyx, endothelial dysfunction, cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins.


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For citation

Shevchenko Yu.L., Melkumyants A.M., Stoyko Yu.M., Yashkin M.N., Chernyago T.Yu., Gudymovich V.G. First results of visualization and structural assessment of the endothelial glycocalyx in varicose veins. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(4):4-9. (In Russ.)