DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_4_S1_105


Karpov G.O., Basov E.D., Martynov A.O.

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Medical Surgical Center, Moskow


Rationale: In case of combined pathology, in particular aphakia and regmatogenic retinal detachment, an important point is the leveling of changes in the iridocrustal apparatus. When analyzing the morphoanatomic parameters of the angle and depth of the anterior chamber using optical coherence tomography, distinctive features were revealed in patients with various methods of correcting the defect of the iridohrustal barrier.

Objective: of the study was to evaluate anatomical changes in the angle and depth of the anterior chamber in patients with various types of intraocular correction of the defect of the capsule-binding apparatus under conditions of tamponade of the vitreal cavity with silicone oil.

Methods. Studies were conducted on 74 eyes of patients aged 56 to 75 years with various methods of correction of aphakia and silicone tamponade of the vitreal cavity.

Results. There was a significant decrease in the anterior chamber angle in various sectors in patients with aphakia, in contrast to patients with anterior chamber and transclerally fixed intraocular lenses. A similar trend is observed in patients with anterocameral intraocular lenses, relative to the group of patients with artifacia. A decrease in the depth of the anterior chamber was revealed in patients with anterior chamber lenses relative to patients with transcleral fixation and articulation was revealed in the upper sector. In the temporal sector, there is a decrease in this indicator in patients with aphakia relative to patients with artifakia.

Conclusion. In the conditions of silicone tamponade of the vitreal cavity, the technique of transcleral fixation of intraocular lenses provides the most physiological indicators of the anterior chamber angle comparable to single-format indicators of patients with artifacia.

Keywords: intraocular lens, aphakia, regmatogenic retinal detachment.


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For citation

Karpov G.O., Basov E.D., Martynov A.O. Anatomical features of the anterior structures of the eye with various methods of fixing the intraocular lens in patients with silicone tamponade of the vitreal cavity. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(4,supplement):105-110. (In Russ.)