DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_3_121


Shengelia L.D., Donakanyan S.A., Fatulaev Z.F., Sanakoev M.K., Konshina M.O., Bockeria L.A.

A.N. Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow


Coronary artery bypass grafting is the main method of surgical myocardial revascularization in patients with multivessel atherosclerotic lesions of coronary arteries. The main objective of this surgery is to restore blood flow in coronary arteries, prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction, improve prognosis and quality of life.

Currently, in coronary bypass grafting, the internal thoracic artery, the radial artery, and the large subcutaneous vein of the lower limb are used as conduits. In the last decade, the use of the radial artery as an autoarterial graft has been gaining popularity. The main advantages are the wall structure, adequate caliber, surface location in the soft tissues of the upper extremity. However, due to morphofunctional features and anatomical position, successful use of the radial artery requires knowledge of surgical anatomy to avoid complications in the postoperative period. According to a number of authors, in patients with ischemic heart disease, when using the radial artery during coronary bypass grafting, better long-term results are achieved in the form of anastomosis viability, compared with the use of the large saphenous vein.

Keywords: coronary artery bypass grafting, radial artery, myocardial revascularization.


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For citation

Shengelia L.D., Donakanyan S.A., Fatulaev Z.F., Sanakoev M.K., Konshina M.O., Bockeria L.A. Radial artery in coronary surgery: features of surgical anatomy and techniques of harvesting for coronary artery bypass grafting. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(3):121-127. (In Russ.)