DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_2_143


Hanaliev B.V., Barsegyan A.G., Azizov R.M., Kosarev E.I.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


A clinical observation of a patient with urolithiasis with a stone in the lower third of the ureter against the background of severe prostatic hyperplasia is presented. The peculiarity of this clinical case lies in the intraoperative picture during the operation, in the gradual complication of both the underlying and concomitant diseases that may occur during the operation.

Keywords: benign prostatic hyperplasia, urolithiasis, ureteral stone, contact lithotripsy.


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For citation

Hanaliev B.V., Barsegyan A.G., Azizov R.M., Kosarev E.I. Contact ureterolithotripsy for severe prostatic hyperplasia. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(2):143-145. (In Russ.)