DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_2_115


Yesipov A.V.1, 3, Alekhnovich A.V.1, Musailov V.A.2, 3, Markevich P.S.1, Potapov V.A.3

1 National Medical Research Center for High Medical Technologies — Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky, Moscow region

2 Branch №1 of the National Medical Research Center for High Medical Technologies — Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky, Moscow region

3 Branch of S.M. Kirov Military medical academy, Moscow


There is a constant increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus all over the world. According to the Federal Register of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus, more than 200 thousand new cases of diabetes mellitus are registered in the Russian Federation per year. As a result, the number of patients with such a complication as diabetic foot syndrome is also increasing. With type 1 diabetes, diabetic foot syndrome is registered in 4.3% of patients, with type 2 diabetes — in 2.0%. The results of treatment of purulent-destructive complications of diabetic foot still do not satisfy surgeons, a large percentage of high amputations remains, reaching 30.0–50.0%.

For diagnostic purposes, ultrasound Dopplerography of the arteries of the lower extremities, duplex scanning with color mapping, and, if necessary, radiopaque angiography of the arteries of the lower extremities are used. Also included in the complex of diagnostics of diabetic foot syndrome are rheolymphovasography with an assessment of the rate and volume of flowing peripheral lymph and blood, impedance measurement, thermal imaging, chronaximetric electrodiagnostics, laser Doppler flowmetry.

The article is a review of the literature, the task of which is to highlight the continuing difficulties of timely diagnosis in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot syndrome, despite years of close attention to this problem.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot syndrome, amputations, angiopathy, ultrasound dopplerography, angiography.


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For citation

Yesipov A.V., Alekhnovich A.V., Musailov V.A., Markevich P.S., Potapov V.A. Actual problems of diagnosis of diabetic foot syndrome. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(2):115-120. (In Russ.)