DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2021_16_4_74


Kuznetsov S.I., Shestakov E.A., Gusarov V.G., Fateev S.A., Zhiburt E.B.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


We studied the structure of recipients and blood transfusions in the COVID-19 hospital and other departments of the Pirogov Center in 2020. Among the 1,141 patients of the COVID-19 hospital, 61 patients (5.3%) and among 37,136 patients in other departments, 710 (1.9%) patients received transfusions of blood components.

During the operation of the COVID-19 hospital, the Pirogov Center’s need for donor blood components was fully met.

In the COVID-19 hospital compared to other departments:

  • the part of recipients of all blood components, red blood cells and plasma was higher (p<0.01);
  • 4 units and 4-6 units of red blood cells were transfused more often (p <0.01), more than 11 units of red blood cells were not transfused;
  • among recipients of red blood cells, the part of people over 60 years old is 42.4% higher than the same part among other patients (p<0.01);
  • among plasma recipients, the part of persons under 45 years of age is significantly reduced (p<0.05).

The data on the needs of patients in the COVID-19 hospital for transfusion therapy can be used as a benchmark for the related work planning.

Keywords: blood, blood transfusion, COVID-19, red blood cells, plasma, platelets.


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For citation

Kuznetsov S.I., Shestakov E.A., Gusarov V.G., Fateev S.A., Zhiburt E.B. Blood transfusion in COVID-19 hospital. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2021;16(4):74-77. (In Russ.)