DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2021_16_3_134


Kryukov Yu.Yu., Glyantsev S.P.

A.N. Bakulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow


In article a complete scientific biography and the contribution to the medicine of Russia of an outstanding surgeon, scientist, teacher, organizer of military and civil health care, actual privy councilor V.V. Pelican (1790–1873) is presented. As a surgeon, scientist and teacher V.V. Pelikan stood at the origins of vascular surgery in Russia, defended the country’s first dissertation on surgery of aneurysm of arteries, headed the surgical department, created his own school, headed the Imperial University of Vilnius, the largest in Russia and Europe. As the organizer of military medicine, military health care and military medical education in different years V.V. Pelikan led the Moscow military hospital, the Medical Department of the Ministry of War, the Veterinary Committee under this department, the Medical and Surgical Academy and the Military Medical Scientific Committee, making a huge contribution to the development of military medical and military veterinary affairs, training military doctors and veterinarians, providing medical assistance in major military campaigns, the fight against infectious diseases in the Russian army. In the last years of V.V. Pelikan, heading the Medical Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was in charge of civil health care in Russia, making a contribution to this area of domestic medicine.

Keywords: history of medicine and surgery, history of military medicine, education and health care, Russian Empire, V.V. Pelican (1790–1873).


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For citation

Kryukov Yu.Yu., Glyantsev S.P. Actual privy councilor V.V. Pelican — outstanding worker of medicine and surgery of Russia. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2021;16(3):134-144. (In Russ.)