DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2021_16_3_33


Masljakov V.V.1, Urjadov S.E.1, Kurkin K.G.2, Bahaev A.D.3, Voronov V.V.1

1 Branch of Medical University «Reaviz», Saratov

2 Chief military clinical hospital named after academic N.N. Burdenko, Moscow

3 State Healthcare Institution Saratov City Clinical Hospital №1 named after Yu.Ya. Gordeev


Studying of changes of viscous properties of blood at 39 wounded with gunshot wounds of various localization in the next postoperative period is carried out. From them 15 had breast wounds, 15 — wounds of a stomach and the 15th wound of a neck. All male wounded had single wounds, blood sampling was carried out on 1–3; 5–7; 10–15 and 17–19 postoperative days. It is established that gunshot wounds lead to changes of rheological properties of blood in the next postoperative period which are shown by increase in viscous properties of blood at all speeds of shift. At the same time the maximum changes are noted in group of wounded in a stomach. Changes of rheological properties of blood exert impact on a current of the next postoperative period.

Keywords: rheological properties of blood, the next postoperative period, gunshot wounds.


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For citation

Masljakov V.V., Urjadov S.E., Kurkin K.G., Bahaev A.D., Voronov V.V. Changes of viscous properties of blood in the next postoperative period at various wounds. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2021;16(3):33-35. (In Russ.)