DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2021_16_2_61


Borodina M.A.1,2, Nasser N.R.1,2, Batyrshin I.M.1, Sklizkov D.S.1, Ryazanova E.P.1,2, Kozhevnikov V.B.2,3

1 Research Institute Of Emergency Medecine named after I.I. Djanelidzе, St. Petersburg

2 NWSMU named after I. I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg

3 City Hospital № 14, St. Petersburg


Currently, the issues of choosing the tactics of wound management and methods of objective assessment of the dynamics of the wound process remain relevant. The results of our study showed a reduction in the treatment time of patients with bedsores when using vacuum therapy and revealed the most effective methods for evaluating the dynamics of the wound process. Thus, the assessment of General clinical indicators was significantly insignificant due to the patient's comorbidity, while the use of modern objective methods for assessing the dynamics of the wound process allows timely correction of treatment.

Keywords: vacuum therapy, pressure sores, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment, pH meter, bacterioscopy, native smear fingerprint, the area of the wound surface, sowing wound discharge.


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For citation

Borodina M.A., Nasser N.R., Batyrshin I.M., Sklizkov D.S., Ryazanova E.P., Kozhevnikov V.B. Objective methods for assessing the dynamics of the wound process. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2021;16(2):61-65. (In Russ.)