DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2021.46.62.004


Fejziev E.E.1, Sukovatyh B.S.1, Zatolokina M.A.1, Belous A.S.2, Trubnikova E.V.2

1 Kursk State Medical University, Kursk

2 Research Laboratory «Genetics», Kursk State University, Kursk


Aims: To study the effect of simvastatin on trophic changes in skeletal muscles in experimental critical limb ischemia.

Materials and methods: We investigated the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for this disease with simvastatin (Simvastatin, Pharmstandard-leksredstva, Russia). Calf muscle ischemia was simulated in Wistar rats. Formed 4 groups of animals, 20 individuals: intact; falsely operated; with simulated critical ischemia without treatment (control group); with critical ischemia and simvastatin monotherapy (orally 1.71 mg / kg, daily, once for 28 days, experimental group). The level of blood microcirculation in the leg muscles was measured on the 21st and 28th days. At the same time, 10 animals were withdrawn from the experiment by anesthesia overdose and histological preparations of the leg muscles were prepared.

Results: The level of regional blood flow significantly (p <0.05) increased in the experimental group compared to the control. Macroscopically, the muscles of animals in the experimental groups did not differ from the muscles of intact animals, microscopically, a decrease in the number and size of necrotic areas characteristic of ischemic muscles of rats that did not receive treatment was observed.

Conclusions: The effectiveness of therapy for critical lower limb ischemia, simulated in rats with simvastatin, was shown. The level of blood microcirculation in the affected leg muscles of the animals of the corresponding experimental group on the 28th day was significantly one and a half times higher (in perfusion units) than in the animals of the control group. Morphological study of the leg muscles of rats in the group with the correction of critical ischemia with simvastatin showed a decrease in the number and size of necrotic areas. The study allows us to recommend the use of statins, in particular simvastatin, for the treatment of patients with critical limb ischemia, both in outpatient and inpatient practice.

Keywords: ischemia, lower limbs, correction, simvastatin, rats.


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For citation

Fejziev E.E., Sukovatyh B.S., Zatolokina M.A., Belous A.S., Trubnikova E.V. Trophic changes in the skeletal muscles of rats after pharmacotherapy with simvastatin in the modeling of critical ischemia of the lower extremities. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2021;16(1):24-28. (In Russ.)