DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.14.50.028


Rybchinskii S.S.1, Krainyukov P.E.1, 2, Bakasova A.V.1, Kulova I.A.1

1 Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V. Mandryka, Moscow

2 RUDN University, Moscow


The article describes a clinical observation of a patient with synchronous cancer on the background of multiple kidney changes. The emphasis is placed on the early detection of neoplasms during ultrasound during an in-depth medical examination.

Keywords: multiple changes, synchronous cancer, kidney tumor, in-depth medical examination.


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For citation

Rybchinskii S.S., Krainyukov P.E., Bakasova A.V., Kulova I.A. Possibilities of ultrasound examination at the stage of in-depth medical examination in determining synchronous cancer with multiple kidney changes. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(4):147-150. (In Russ.)