DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.41.38.021


Zhanuzakov D.Z.

B.N. Yeltsin Kyrgyz-Russian University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


The structure, stages of development, the state of normal and pathological conditions of the cerebellum are presented and discussed, as well as modern methods of its correction. When studying the literature data, information was found about the main stages of the development of the cerebellum during the period of phylogeny and its successive morphological, physiological and biochemical transformations during ontogenesis. The influence on the cerebellum of pathological processes such as cerebral ischemia (IHI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) is considered. According to statistics, a complicated course of stroke occurs in 70% of patients with massive cerebellar infarction. The study of cerebral ischemia is of great importance, since occupies a high position in morbidity and mortality among the population around the world. Also, every year the percentage of traumatic brain injuries is increasing, with the subsequent development of complications of the brain, the reason, one of which is also a change in the state of the cerebellum. The literature data on morphological and histological changes in the cerebellum were studied, which were experimentally carried out on laboratory rats. The study of the state of the cerebellum is one of the main criteria in the field of maxillofacial surgery, because with cerebellar pathology, in most cases there is a high risk of complications not only of traumatic brain injury, but also of the facial one. However, these materials are insufficient for studying the cerebellum, which requires further research and experiments on animals, namely, on rats.

Keywords: сerebellum, development, change, pathology, rat.


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For citation

Zhanuzakov D.Z. The state of the cerebellum in normal and pathological conditions (clinical and experimental data). Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(4):116-122. (In Russ.)