DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.25.88.010


Krainyukov P.E.1, 4, Moiseev D.N.1, 4, Zhilenkova O.G.2, Kokorin V.V.4, 5, Popov P.A.3, Kolodkin B.B.4, Kim D.Yu.4, Kondakov E.V.5

1 RUDN University, Moscow

2 Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow

3 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

4 Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital, Moscow

5 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


The article presents the experience of using the method of gas chromatography with mass-selective detection of ions (GC-MS) to determine markers of potential pathogens as a method of etiological diagnosis in purulent-inflammatory diseases of the hand. The study group included 63 patients with the indicated hand pathology. The GC-MS method revealed the presence of bacterial markers of representatives of the intestinal microflora in the biological material under study (wound separable, capillary blood), which confirms the idea of translocation of bacterial toxins and microorganisms into the focus of inflammation. Markers of difficult-to-cultivate, through classical culture bacteriological research methods, obligate anaerobes of endogenous microbiota representatives have been identified.

Keywords: purulent-inflammatory diseases of the hand, gas chromatography mass spectrometry, microbiome, bacterial translocation, microbial markers.


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For citation

Krainyukov P.E., Moiseev D.N., Zhilenkova O.G., Kokorin V.V., Popov P.A., Kolodkin B.B., Kim D.Yu., Kondakov E.V. Use of microbial marker mass spectrometry method in etiological diagnostics of purulent-inflammatory hand diseases. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(4):52-55. (In Russ.)