DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.53.97.019


Shalygina O.I.1, Vinogradov O.I.2

1 Branch of the Military medical Academy S.M. Kirov, Moscow

2 Institute for Advanced Medical Education of Federal state budgetary institution «National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow


Backgraund: according to statistical reports of water transport workers, the air force and civil aviation, there is a tendency to increase the frequency of functional disorders of the spine. These questions remain unexplored among participants of local conflicts and liquidators of consequences of emergency situations, as well as questions of disqualification of a special agent with this pathology. It should be noted that the needs of the disaster medicine service and practical health care urgently require the study of these problems.

Aims: to study the possibilities of early diagnosis of functional disorders of the spine using computer technology «ISDFS» and to develop medical rehabilitation programs using laser-acupuncture and microwave resonance therapy to improve professional reliability in persons of dangerous professions.

Materials and methods: 825 male rescuers (average age 40.0±0.5 years) were examined immediately after returning from emergency zones after the elimination of health consequences in order to detect functional disorders of the spine using computer technologies: «Foll», «AMSAT» and «ISDFS».

With the aim of relief of pain and other clinical manifestations of functional disorders of the spine different localization in the control group of inmates used the microwave resonance therapy using the apparatus «prologue-02» and laseropuncture using machines «AGNIS-01» and «Moth-7» in indifferent doses for 5–7 days with subsequent transition to the standard treatment (conventional standard treatment).

Results: in 20–25% of cases, participants in emergency response revealed functional disorders of the spine. The effectiveness of detecting functional disorders of the spine with the use of «ISDFS» is 97–98%, with the use of other computer technologies: «AMSAT» — 75–78%; «Foll» — 71–73%. Laser-acupuncture and microwave resonance therapy using the method of small doses can successfully stop the pain syndrome in a special patient in 92% of cases, effectively correct other clinical manifestations of functional disorders of the spine in rescuers in 84–86% of cases, significantly reduce the treatment time from 30 to 10–15 days without pharmacological support.

Conclusion: the portability of standard hardware, simplicity, high information content, sensitivity and reproducibility of the developed new computer technology «ISDFS» allows using it actively for screening and treatment of participants in local conflicts, as well as search and rescue teams at the stage of emergency medical rehabilitation, in addition, it can be recommended for wide implementation in the work of various ministries and agencies involved in emergency response.

Keywords: diagnosis, physical and rehabilitation medicine, occupational groups, dangerous, spine pathology.


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For citation

Shalygina O.I., Vinogradov O.I. Early diagnosis and medical rehabilitation of hazardous employment with functional disease of the spine. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(2):108-113. (In Russ.)