DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_4_163


Hanaliev B.V., Barsegyan A.G., Ivanov A.V., Odin A.A.

Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia


Patients with kidney anomalies have an increased risk of developing inflammatory processes in the urinary system and urolithiasis. This group of patients needs constant instrumental diagnostic control of the urinary system. Due to the high risk of complications, the preference for surgical treatment of these patients is given to minimally invasive methods. This clinical observation of retrograde intrarenal surgery in a patient with a stone in the right half of the horseshoe kidney is presented. The possibilities of a modern minimally invasive surgical method with the achievement of total SFR (stone free rate) are shown.

Keywords: urology, urolithiasis, anomalies, kidney stones, nephrolithiasis, horseshoe kidney, case report.


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For citation

Hanaliev B.V., Barsegyan A.G., Ivanov A.V., Odin A.A. Clinical observation of the treatment of urolithiasis in a patient with a horseshoe kidney using intrarenal retrograde surgery. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(4):163-165. (In Russ.)