DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_3_30


Kalinin R.E. 1, Pshennikov A.S. 1, Deev R.V. 2, Vinogradov S.A. 1,3, Samburin V.A. 1

1 I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan

2 I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Saint Petersburg

3 Regional clinic hospital, Ryazan


The aim of the study is evaluation and comparison of pathomorphological changes in vein wall adapted to arterial circulation with patients after autogenous femoral-popliteal bypass using the "in situ" and reversed vein technique, as well as arterialization of the superficial foot vein. The material for this study was parts of arterialized venous (n=7) wall obtained during repeated surgery. Micropreparations studied by histological (stain hematoxylin and eosin, orcein and according to Mallory) and immunohistochemical (Ki-67, СD31, α-SMA) methods. The identified pathomorphological changes in vein wall adapted to arterial circulation are characteristic of nonadaptive remodeling of the venous wall and include its thickening, endothelial damage with the formation of a mosaic monolayer and its proliferation, neointimal fibrous and smooth muscle hyperplasia as a result of migration and proliferation of leiomyocytes and increase in collagen production, remodeling of the connective tissue matrix and inflammatory infiltration.

Keywords: peripheral artery diseases, saphenous vein, vascular graft occlusion, vein arterialization, venous bypass, «in situ» bypass, reverse bypass, atherosclerosis.


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For citation

Kalinin R.E. , Pshennikov A.S. , Deev R.V. , Vinogradov S.A. , Samburin V.A. Pathological changes in the wall of the vein adapted to arterial circulation. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(3):30-35. (In Russ.)