DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2018.84.99.031


Nesterov S.N., Viller A.G., Khanaliyev B.V., Volodichev V.V., Vasil’yev V.R., Alymov A.A.

National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow


The results of asurgical intervention in the volumeof laparoscopic resection of the left kidney withmanual assist- ance, complicated by the formation of pseudoaneurysm of the branches of the left renal artery are presented. After the angiography of the renal arteries, endovascular selective embolization of pseudoaneurysms of branches of the left renal artery was performed. In the control examination (Ultrasound, CT) data for the re-formation of pseudoaneurysms is not obtained. Further postoperative course proceeded without any peculiarities.

Keywords: laparoscopic resection of the kidney, pseudoaneurysm, embolization of the arteries, angiography.

For citation

Nesterov S.N., Viller A.G., Khanaliyev B.V., Volodichev V.V., Vasil’yev V.R., Alymov A.A. Application of endovascular superselective embolization in treatment of renal artery-defense fistula. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2018;13(3):143-144. (In Russ.)