DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2018.55.78.018


Ibatov A.D.1, Morozova I.V.2

1. Sechenov University, Faculty of High Nursing Education and Psychological and Social Work, Nursing Department, Moscow

2. City Clinical Hospital № 1 named after. N.I. Pirogov, 1 therapeutic department, Moscow


60 patients were examined (mean age 37.6 ± 8.2 years, 40 men, 20 women). The definition of anthropometric indicators, the study of the parameters of central hemodynamics, laboratory and instrumental examination were provided; Psychoemotional status was assessed using questionnaires: 1. “List of symptoms — 90 — revised” 2. Hospital scale of anxiety and depression. The registration of accentuated features of the personality according to Leonhard was determined using the shortened questionnaire developed by Schmieschek. The quality of life was assessed by the SF-36 questionnaire. Results. An increased level of anxiety was revealed in patients without metabolic syndrome in comparison with patients with metabolic syndrome. The average score on the SCL-90R questionnaire anxiety scale in patients with the metabolic syndrome was 37.4% lower than that of patients without metabolic syndrome. The average score on the anxiety scale of the HADS in patients with metabolic syndrome was 34.7% lower than in the group without metabolic syndrome. A lower severity of depression among patients with metabolic syndrome was noted, a score on the depression scale of the HADS in patients with metabolic syndrome was 35.6% lower than in the group without metabolic syndrome. The decrease of the quality of life by the physical functioning scale by 13.3% and the higher quality of life by the mental health scale of by 26.5% in patients with metabolic syndrome in comparison with patients without metabolic syndrome were shown. The peculiarities of the psychoemotional status and quality of life of patients with essential hypertension depending on the presence of the carbohydrate metabolism disorders were established, that has to be considered in treatment.

Keywords: hypertension, metabolic syndrome, anxiety, depression, quality of life.


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For citation

Ibatov A.D., Morozova I.V. Peculiarities of psychoemotical status in patients with essential hypertension. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2018;13(3):82-84. (In Russ.)