DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.44.47.035


Magomedov M.U., Egorov V.I., Mustafaev D.M.

Moscow regional research clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky, Moscow


To this day, the etiology and pathogenesis of rhinophyma remains insufficiently studied, and a continuous search is currently underway for modern methods of treating rhinophyma. A successful complex treatment of 32 patients with rhinophyma divided into two groups was carried out. Treatment in the first group using the Coblator II cold plasma apparatus, in the second by a similar method, followed by the use of NO-therapy. The data obtained in the article indicate the high efficiency of the complex method of treating patients with rhinophyma.

Keywords: rhinophyma, complex treatment, cold plasma, -NO therapy.


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For citation

Magomedov M.U., Egorov V.I., Mustafaev D.M. Our experience in the compiex treatment of rhinophima. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(3-2):193-195. (In Russ.)