DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_4_83


Krasenkov Yu.V.1, Tatyanchenko V.K.1, Davidenko A.V.1, Eliseev G.D.1, Chesnakov A.N.2

1 FGBOU VO RostGMU Minzdrava RF, Rostov-on-Don

2 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


The category of patients with myofascial syndrome includes patients who, in the preoperative period, had an increase in the tissue pressure gradient (over 15 mm Hg), and in the postoperative period, against this background, they developed trigger zones and muscle dysfunction on the side of the operation (from 20 to 60%). The severity of the pathological process in 134 patients with phlegmon of the soft tissues of the upper limb was determined using a developed individual index scale. In the postoperative period, in patients of the main group (n=72), during the course of rehabilitation, statistically significant increases in the amplitude and frequency of muscle contraction biopotentials, normalization of the muscle strength test and a significant decrease in the severity of myofascial pain syndrome were recorded. The degree of dysfunction correlates with muscle weakness of the upper limb, detected during muscle testing, and amplitude-frequency indicators of tonic muscle contraction. So, at grade I, the scale determines the restoration of the amplitude and frequency of muscle biopotentials, at grades II and III, their approach to normal parameters is determined. The work uses original methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

Keywords: phlegmon, upper limb, diagnosis, rehabilitation, myofascial syndrome.


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For citation

Krasenkov Yu.V., Tatyanchenko V.K., Davidenko A.V., Eliseev G.D., Chesnakov A.N. Myofassical syndrome of the upper limb in patients with intermuscular phlegmona of the shoulder and forearm. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2023;18(4):83-87. (In Russ.)